Bad Faith

Florida Property Damage Attorneys  

When insurance companies fail to honor their policies, it can cause significant financial and emotional strain on policyholders. Dealing with the complex maze of insurance claims and legal jargon can be overwhelming, especially when insurers don't act in good faith. That's where we come in. 

At Fauntleroy & Satmary, P.A., we fight to ensure insurance companies keep their promises. If you're battling for the benefits you paid for, our dedicated Florida bad faith insurance attorneys are here to help. With our extensive knowledge of Florida insurance laws and experience in holding insurers accountable, we're ready to stand by your side. 

What Is Insurance Bad Faith? 

Insurance bad faith refers to the unfair conduct of an insurance company towards its policyholders. It goes beyond simple disagreements or misunderstandings. Bad faith occurs when an insurer breaches the duty of good faith and fair dealing owed to policyholders. This duty ensures that insurers don't prioritize their financial interests over your contractual rights. In Florida, you have legal recourse when faced with such deceptive practices. 

Examples of Insurance Bad Faith Tactics 

Insurance companies sometimes employ deceptive tactics to reduce or deny claims. Being aware of these tactics can empower you during bad faith litigation: 

  • Unwarranted Denial: Denying claims without a valid reason, hoping policyholders won’t pursue it further. 
  • Delaying Claims: Using stalling tactics like repeatedly asking for unnecessary documents to delay processing. 
  • Lowball Offers: Offering significantly less money than the claim is worth for a quick, under-compensated resolution. 
  • Misrepresenting Policy Language: Twisting or ignoring the policy’s language to avoid covering valid expenses. 
  • Failure to Investigate: Not conducting a thorough investigation or disregarding supporting evidence. 
  • Unreasonable Interpretation: Using an unreasonable interpretation of the policy or circumstances to avoid payment. 
  • Threats or Intimidation: Trying to intimidate policyholders into accepting lower settlements or dropping claims. 

If you're experiencing any of these actions from your insurance company, they might be acting in bad faith. Our Florida bad faith insurance attorneys can clarify your situation and recommend the best legal action. 

How to Prove a Bad Faith Insurance Claim 

Proving bad faith requires evidence of the insurer’s unjust actions. Here are the steps to substantiate your claim: 

  1. Document Everything: Keep thorough records of all communications, including emails, letters, and phone call logs with dates and summaries.
  2. Review the Policy: Ensure your claim is within the policy’s terms and hasn’t been misrepresented.
  3. Get Independent Estimates: Obtain independent assessments to establish your claim’s value and compare it to the insurer’s offer.
  4. Demand Reasons: Request clear, written explanations for any claim denial or delay.
  5. Seek Expert Opinions: Engage experts to challenge the insurer’s findings if necessary.
  6. Consult Attorney: Work with a Florida bad faith insurance attorney to assess the evidence, build a strong case, and navigate legal intricacies.

Why Do You Need a Florida Bad Faith Attorney? 

Florida’s insurance landscape is complicated. When insurers unfairly deny claims, the impact extends beyond monetary losses, causing emotional and mental stress. This is why hiring a Florida bad faith insurance attorney is crucial. Beyond understanding policy language, we discern the motives behind insurance company decisions and fight for your rights. 

Bad faith claims are at the core of what we do. We represent policyholders facing wrongful denials, delays, underpayments, or any other insurance code violations. Let us handle the complexities while you focus on getting back on your feet. 

Contact Us Today 

If you're dealing with a bad faith insurance claim, don't face it alone. Contact Fauntleroy & Satmary either online or at 813-320-0550 to schedule an initial consultation. Let us help you resolve your bad faith claim in Florida and secure the compensation you deserve.