Delayed Claims Attorney Florida

Swift Action on Florida Property Damage Claims

When your property is damaged by a hurricane, fire, or other disasters, prompt action from your insurance company is crucial to begin repairs and restore normalcy. Unfortunately, it's all too common for insurance companies to delay the claims process, using tactics that benefit their bottom lines at the expense of your urgent needs. At Fauntleroy & Satmary, our skilled property damage claim attorneys specialize in challenging these delays. We ensure that insurance companies honor their obligations, pushing your claims forward efficiently, and if necessary, we are prepared to assert your rights in court to secure the compensation you are entitled to.

Identifying and Countering Common Insurance Delay Tactics

Insurance companies have developed sophisticated methods to delay claims processing, which can complicate your recovery process and place additional stress on your financial stability. Here are some tactics often employed by insurers:

  • Protracted Communications: Intentionally slow responses to keep you waiting and uncertain. 
  • Dragging Out Investigations: Unreasonable delays in the investigation phase to wear you down. 
  • Changing Claims Handlers: Shifting adjusters frequently to confuse and slow down the claims process. 
  • Excessive Documentation Requests: Demanding unnecessary paperwork as a stalling technique. 
  • Piecing Out Information Requests: Requesting information in small increments to extend the process. 

These strategies not only prolong the resolution of your claim but can also lead to desperation, where property owners feel compelled to accept lower settlements. 

Why You Shouldn't Settle for Less

If you're experiencing prolonged delays, you might feel pressured to accept a settlement that’s far below what’s fair. Fauntleroy & Satmary is here to ensure that doesn't happen. By choosing our firm, you are selecting a team who will aggressively advocate for your full legal entitlements.

Our attorneys are not intimidated by large defense firms or insurance companies and will fight for your rights to receive the insurance benefits you paid for. The attorneys at the Fauntleroy & Satmary, P.A want to protect your rights and help get you the maximum recovery you deserve for your claim.

How Fauntleroy & Satmary Advocates for You

Our approach combines comprehensive legal knowledge with strategic expertise, tailored specifically to counter the delay tactics used by insurers:

  • Thorough Evaluation: We start by assessing the full scope of your damages and the terms of your policy to establish a clear, accurate claim value. 
  • Applying Strategic Pressure: We engage directly with insurers, applying the necessary pressure to expedite your claims process. 
  • Legal Expertise and Litigation: Our preparedness to go to trial means insurers take us—and your claims—seriously. 
  • Regular Updates and Support: You’ll receive consistent communication and personalized attention from our team, keeping you informed and empowered throughout the process. 
Contact Us

Don’t let insurance delays disrupt your recovery longer than they already have. Contact Fauntleroy & Satmary today to arrange a free consultation. Discover how we can help you move your claim forward and fight for the compensation you deserve. Contact us online or call 813-320-0550 today where we don't just handle claims—we win them.