Power of Attorney in Florida

Take Control of Your Affairs with a Power of Attorney in Florida

Establishing a Power of Attorney (POA) is a proactive step to ensure your personal, financial, and health decisions are in trusted hands if you're ever unable to make them yourself. At Fauntleroy & Satmary, P.A., our dedicated Florida estate planning attorneys specialize in customizing POAs that fit your unique life circumstances, giving you peace of mind that your affairs are managed exactly as you wish.

What Is a Power of Attorney?

A Power of Attorney is a powerful legal document that authorizes someone you trust to act on your behalf. This could be managing your financial affairs, making medical decisions, or handling specific legal matters if you are incapacitated or unavailable.

Types of Powers of Attorney We Offer

  • Durable Power of Attorney: Remains effective if you become incapacitated, allowing continuous management of your affairs without legal disruption. 
  • General Power of Attorney: Provides broad authority over your financial and personal affairs, ideal for those needing comprehensive assistance. 
  • Limited Power of Attorney: Tailored for specific transactions or decisions, offering precise control over the extent of the powers granted. 

Why Create a Power of Attorney?

Convenience and Assurance

A POA simplifies managing your affairs by delegating decision-making to someone you trust, avoiding the costly and time-consuming process of court-appointed guardianship.

Continuous Care and Decision-Making

Particularly useful if you: 

  • Travel frequently or plan to be out of the country. 
  • Face medical conditions that might impair your ability to make decisions. 
  • Desire continuous management of your financial and business dealings. 

Privacy and Conflict Mitigation

A POA operates privately, unlike court processes. It keeps your affairs confidential and reduces potential disputes among family members or business associates by clearly outlining your chosen representative.

Choosing the Right Agent for Your Power of Attorney

Selecting your POA agent is a decision that should be guided by trust and confidence in the individual’s ability to respect and execute your wishes. Whether it’s a family member, a close friend, or a professional, the chosen agent should have a good understanding of your values and be committed to acting in your best interests.

Considerations for Multiple Agents

If appointing more than one agent, decide if they need to make decisions together or if they can act independently. This decision can affect how efficiently and effectively your affairs are managed.

Customizing Your Power of Attorney

Tailored to Your Needs

Our attorneys at Fauntleroy & Satmary will work with you to determine the scope of the POA, whether it includes specific financial powers, health care decisions, or general estate management. We ensure that your POA aligns with your overall estate plan and addresses any particular concerns you might have, such as provisions for long-term care or instructions for managing business interests.

Protecting Your Future

With a well-drafted Durable Power of Attorney, you can avoid the pitfalls of guardianship and ensure that someone you trust is always at the helm, ready to act in your best interests without delay.

Contact Us

Ready to set up your Power of Attorney or need to discuss updating an existing one? Contact us online or call 813-320-0550 today to schedule your free consultation. Our expert team is here to guide you every step of the way, ensuring your rights and wishes are protected for the future. Let us help you secure your peace of mind with a comprehensive Power of Attorney plan.