Roof Damage

Florida Roof Damage Attorneys 

Your roof is one of the most vulnerable parts of your home, constantly exposed to weather and other damaging elements. Hurricanes, storms, and falling debris can wreak havoc, causing damage that requires immediate attention. Ignoring roof damage can lead to further issues throughout your home, making timely repairs essential. At Fauntleroy & Satmary, P.A., we’re dedicated to ensuring you get the coverage you need to repair your roof and protect your home. 

Common Causes of Roof Damage 

Roof damage can result from various factors, each requiring specific attention: 

  • Hurricanes: High winds and flying debris can tear off shingles or entire sections of the roof. 
  • Storms: Heavy rain, hail, and wind can cause significant damage. 
  • Falling Debris: Trees or branches falling onto the roof can lead to structural damage. 
  • Aging: Over time, roofs wear out and become more susceptible to damage. 
  • Poor Maintenance: Neglecting regular maintenance can turn minor issues into major problems. 

Identifying Roof Damage 

If you suspect roof damage, it’s crucial to document it as soon as possible. Proper documentation can significantly strengthen your insurance claim. Here’s what to look for: 

  • Large Holes: Any visible large holes in the roof. 
  • Missing or Broken Shingles: Shingles that are cracked, broken, or missing. 
  • Lifted Membrane: The roof’s membrane (usually rubber or plastic) has been lifted or damaged. 
  • Buffeting: Signs of the roof being buffeted by wind. 
  • Leaks: Any leaks, including evidence inside the house such as water stains. 
  • Broken Trusses: Damage to the structural trusses of the roof. 
  • Damaged Sheathing: Missing or broken sheathing. 
  • Uplifted Nails: Nails that have been separated or uplifted. 
  • Damaged Equipment: Air conditioners, antennas, or satellite dishes on the roof that are damaged. 

Take notes and photos of all damage. If you use your phone to take photos, the metadata can serve as evidence of the date. 

Issues in Roof Damage Claims 

Often, it’s clear that the roof is damaged, but several factors can affect the settlement amount: 

  • Age and Condition: The age and pre-damage condition of the roof. 
  • Type of Roof: Different roofing materials can have varying repair costs. 
  • Maintenance History: Any previous maintenance or repairs performed on the roof. 
  • Building Codes: Local building codes might affect repair costs. 
  • Structural Damage: Any related structural damage that needs addressing. 

How Fauntleroy & Satmary Can Help 

Filing a roof damage claim with your insurance company can be challenging. Here’s how Fauntleroy & Satmary can help: 

  • Documenting Damage: We work with experienced roofing professionals to thoroughly document and assess the damage. 
  • Understanding Your Policy: We help you understand the specifics of your insurance policy and how it applies to your claim. 
  • Negotiating with Insurers: We negotiate with your insurance company to ensure you receive a fair settlement. 
  • Fighting Denials: If your claim is denied, we fight to get the coverage you deserve. 
  • Valuing Associated Damages: We also help you claim for any associated damages, such as water damage resulting from a leaky roof. 

Factors That May Affect Your Roof Damage Claim 

Several factors can complicate your roof damage claim, including: 

  • Maintenance Issues: Claims can be denied if the damage is deemed to be due to lack of maintenance. 
  • Timing: Delays in filing your claim can result in denial. 
  • Preventative Measures: Failing to take steps to prevent further damage, like tarping damaged areas, can impact your claim. 

If you have a damaged roof and questions about your insurance coverage, we can help you navigate your options and ensure your claim is handled properly. 

Contact Us Today 

Don’t let a damaged roof compromise your home’s safety and value. When you work with a Florida roof damage attorney at Fauntleroy & Satmary, your insurance adjuster will take your claim more seriously, knowing they can’t evade their responsibility to pay you the benefits you deserve. Contact us online or call 813-320-0550 today to find out how we can assist you. Let Fauntleroy & Satmary be your advocate in securing the compensation you need to repair and restore your roof.