Underpaid Claims

Florida Property Damage Attorneys 

Dealing with an underpaid property damage claim can be incredibly frustrating. Insurance companies often undervalue claims, especially in cases of significant loss. Whether they delay tactics or offer a lowball settlement from the start, they often leave property owners without enough funds to fully repair or rebuild. If you suspect your property damage claim is being undervalued, Fauntleroy & Satmary, P.A., is here to help. Our Florida underpaid insurance claim attorneys are experts in recognizing bad faith practices and undervaluation by insurance providers. We can evaluate your policy and explain your rights and options in clear terms, even if your claim has already been closed. 

Recognizing an Undervalued Property Damage Claim 

It’s not uncommon for insurance companies to undervalue property damage claims. Their goal is to keep payouts low and premiums high to protect their profit margins, often at the expense of policyholders. Here are some signs your claim may be undervalued: 

Out-of-State Adjusters 

After major disasters like hurricanes, some insurance companies bring in adjusters from other states who might not be familiar with local property values and damage assessments. 

Misclassified Damages 

Insurance adjusters may wrongly attribute damage to causes not covered by your policy. For example, storm damage might be misclassified if the adjuster isn’t familiar with hurricane, tornado, or wind damage. 

Misinterpreted Policies 

Insurance providers might incorrectly claim that your policy doesn’t cover specific types of damage or that the damage pre-dates your policy term. 

What You Can Do About an Undervalued Claim 

If you think your claim was undervalued, you have options. You can request an independent appraisal or gather additional documentation and evidence to support your claim. At Fauntleroy & Satmary, we handle all types of property damage claims, including those related to storms, fire, water, mold, smoke, fire, sinkholes, and more. Here’s how we can help: 

  • Policy Review: We’ll examine your insurance policy to understand your coverage. 
  • Evidence Gathering: We’ll help you collect additional documentation and evidence. 
  • Independent Appraisal: If necessary, we can arrange for an independent appraisal. 
  • Appeal Filing: We’ll manage the appeal process with your insurance provider to seek a fair assessment. 

Reopening Closed Claims 

Many policyholders lose hope after their claims are closed, believing they can never recover the amount they deserve. Even if the damage occurred some time ago, you might still be able to reopen your claim and pursue the full amount owed to you. Underpaid claims are best addressed on a case-by-case basis, so contact our attorneys as soon as you suspect an unfairly low settlement. 

Contact Fauntleroy & Satmary Today 

If your claim was underpaid or you’ve been offered an unfairly low settlement, Fauntleroy & Satmary is ready to defend your interests. We’re passionate about fighting for residential and commercial property owners and understand how difficult it can be to rebuild when your insurance company doesn’t treat you fairly. We also handle denied and delayed claims. 

Contact us today either online or at 813-320-0550 and let us put our expertise to work for you.