Will Attorney Florida

Safeguarding Your Legacy in Florida

Estate planning might not be at the forefront of your mind, especially if you're young, healthy, or without dependents. Yet, anyone can benefit from drafting a will—it's not just about protecting your assets, but also ensuring that your wishes are respected and your loved ones are taken care of after you're gone. At Fauntleroy & Satmary, P.A., we bring clarity and compassion to the process, helping you make informed decisions that secure your family's future.

The Importance of Having a Will

Direct Control Over Asset Distribution

Creating a will puts you in control, allowing you to dictate exactly how your assets are divided and ensuring your wishes are executed without state interference.

Simplifies the Probate Process

A clearly written will can significantly streamline the probate process, reducing stress for your beneficiaries and facilitating quicker access to their inheritance.

Safeguards for Your Loved Ones

Your will is a protective tool—it spells out your wishes, helping prevent potential disputes and ensuring that your family's financial needs are met.

Guardianship Designations

For parents, a will is critical for appointing a trusted guardian for minor children, ensuring they are cared for in a loving environment should the unthinkable happen.

Efficient Tax Planning

Properly structured wills can reduce the tax impact on your estate, preserving more of your legacy for your beneficiaries.

Optimal Times to Draft a Will

It’s crucial to draft a will if you: 

  • Own property or have substantial assets. 
  • Have recently married and need to ensure your spouse's financial future. 
  • Are a parent, to provide for your children's care and financial needs. 

The Risks of Not Having a Will

Without a will, you lose control over who inherits your assets. Florida’s intestacy laws will dictate the distribution, which might not align with your personal wishes and could potentially exclude your closest relatives or friends from your estate.

Legality of Handwritten Wills

While handwritten (holographic) wills are legal in Florida, they come with risks and must meet specific criteria to be considered valid. To avoid any ambiguity or legal challenges, professional legal assistance is advisable.

Beyond Material Assets: Protecting Family and Pets

Guardianship Decisions

A will allows you to choose a guardian for your minor children, rather than leaving this critical decision to the courts.

Pet Care Provisions

You can also specify caretakers for your pets, ensuring they are loved and looked after no matter what happens.

Why Choose Fauntleroy & Satmary?

At Fauntleroy & Satmary, we understand the nuances of Florida estate law and are dedicated to offering personalized, sensitive legal services. Our team will guide you through each step of creating or updating a will, ensuring it meets all legal requirements and truly reflects your intentions.

Contact Us

We offer flexible scheduling to discuss your estate planning needs. Contact us online or call 813-320-0550 today to schedule your free consultation. With Fauntleroy & Satmary, you can rest assured that your final wishes will be honored and your legacy preserved.