Wind Damage

Florida Wind Damage Attorneys 

High-velocity winds can wreak havoc on your home or business, causing significant damage that needs immediate attention. From debris striking your property to the sheer force of the wind ripping off siding or roofing materials, the aftermath can be overwhelming. When this happens, you rely on your insurance carrier to cover the repairs. But what if they offer a low settlement? What if there are unexplained delays? Or worse, what if your claim is denied? That's where Fauntleroy & Satmary, P.A. steps in to help. 

Types of Wind Damage 

Wind is a powerful and unpredictable force that can cause various types of damage, including: 

  • Roof Damage: Shingles torn off, leaks, or structural damage. 
  • Falling Branches and Trees: Trees or branches can fall onto your property, causing extensive damage. 
  • Broken and Blown Down Fences: High winds can break or blow down fences. 
  • Broken and Leaky Windows: Windows can be shattered or compromised, leading to leaks. 
  • Flying Debris: Debris carried by the wind can strike and damage your property. 

After a windstorm, it's crucial to inspect your property thoroughly for damage. If you notice any issues, contact your insurance company and a contractor as soon as possible to assess and begin repairs. Some problems might not be visible immediately but can lead to serious complications later, such as water intrusion and structural damage. 

Why Wind Damage Claims Get Denied 

Insurance companies often underpay or deny wind damage claims. Some common reasons for denial include: 

  • Policy Exclusions: Certain types of damage might not be covered. 
  • Inadequate Documentation: Lack of proper evidence to support your claim. 
  • Delayed Filing: Failing to file your claim promptly. 
  • Pre-existing Conditions: The insurer might argue that the damage existed before the wind event. 

How We Handle Your Wind Damage Claim 

If you've filed a wind damage claim and feel your insurance company isn't handling it fairly or promptly, it's time to involve Fauntleroy & Satmary. Our Florida wind damage claim attorneys have extensive experience dealing with property damage claims related to wind from hurricanes, tornadoes, windstorms, and other severe weather events. 

Steps We Take to Support Your Claim 

  • Analyze Policy Language: We meticulously review your insurance policy to understand the coverage and identify any ambiguities or exclusions. 
  • Handle Disputes: We manage any disputes regarding coverage and put pressure on your insurance carrier to move your claim forward. 
  • Fight for Fair Compensation: If your claim has been denied or underpaid, we aggressively advocate for your rights to ensure you receive the benefits you're entitled to. 
  • Expedite the Process: We work to resolve delays and ensure your claim is handled in a timely manner. 

Why Choose Fauntleroy & Satmary? 

Our attorneys have lived and worked in South Florida for years, giving us firsthand experience with the destructive force of tropical storms. We are passionate about protecting property owners' rights in wind damage claims and have the knowledge and expertise to handle even the most challenging cases. 

Contact Us Today 

Don’t navigate the complexities of a wind damage claim alone. When you work with a Florida wind damage attorney at Fauntleroy & Satmary, your insurance adjuster will take your claim more seriously, knowing they can’t avoid their responsibility to pay you the benefits you deserve. Contact us online or call 813-320-0550 today to find out how we can assist you. Let Fauntleroy & Satmary be your advocate in securing the compensation you need to repair and restore your property.